Saturday 30 January 2010

Absent without leave

I've been a little remiss of my blogging duties of late so a quick update is in order. I've been working hard on projects both old and new which has a nice symmetry to it. Firstly I've been doing some updates for Mr Walker, adding two new pages. I had to fight the urge to start fiddling with the overall design. The old adage, if it aint broke don't fix it is so true and there comes a point where you have to just leave things alone. Part of the problem with web design is its always accessible to updates and tweaks but if you fall into this trap nothing would ever be finished. Anyway I digress...
Secondly I was approached to design a website for a self employed Nutritionist. Plenty of research into competition and similar websites ensued and I put together a mock design for my meeting on monday. Along with that there's been my usual designing and coding sessions where I try hone my skills. I now have about 3 mocked up websites in various states of completion on my computer which I will pop on here soon. For now goodbye and good hunting

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