Saturday 30 January 2010

Absent without leave

I've been a little remiss of my blogging duties of late so a quick update is in order. I've been working hard on projects both old and new which has a nice symmetry to it. Firstly I've been doing some updates for Mr Walker, adding two new pages. I had to fight the urge to start fiddling with the overall design. The old adage, if it aint broke don't fix it is so true and there comes a point where you have to just leave things alone. Part of the problem with web design is its always accessible to updates and tweaks but if you fall into this trap nothing would ever be finished. Anyway I digress...
Secondly I was approached to design a website for a self employed Nutritionist. Plenty of research into competition and similar websites ensued and I put together a mock design for my meeting on monday. Along with that there's been my usual designing and coding sessions where I try hone my skills. I now have about 3 mocked up websites in various states of completion on my computer which I will pop on here soon. For now goodbye and good hunting

Thursday 21 January 2010

C V Redesign

Above is my newly redesigned CV. I decided it needed to be striking but also simple. I looked at a few designs to get some inspiration and I am happy with the result. It manages to convey all the information necessary without being cluttered.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Herron Publishing Website

I have been coding all day and can't help but show off a little bit of what I've been doing. Full shots and links to the website will be provided when its online but for the moment I'll just drop a few screens.

It's been a little more time consuming than I had first thought but I really think the design is starting to come together. We're now entering the final stages where I tweak bits and pieces and hopefully the website should be up and running within the week. I'm really pleased with this especially as I had to quickly learn Javascript to get the thumbnail pages how I wanted them.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

My first website

Mid 2009 Mr Andrew Walker contacted me wanting a website and quick. At the time I had just started another project but I could hardly let this one pass. Mr Walker had no branding and only a few pictures but needed a website soon to draw some more business. A steep learning curve indeed. I had at the time been learning CSS but I had never put a website up on the web. It took a few mistakes but without them how do we learn.

Below is the opening page from the website

and here is the schooling page

To see the website in full go to


Welcome to the blog of Mr Kit Eckersley showing my work and general ideas made substance. As much substance as you can call the virtual world we live in nowerdays anyway. I am an aspiring web designer, musician and film maker and hopefully will be displaying all three aspects here. For any enquiries about me or my work I can be reached at Enjoy your brief foray into my little world and I hope you come back.